Cookie policy
On account of the entry into force of the referent modification of the «Law of Services of the Society of the Information» (LSSICE) established by the Royal Decree 13/2012, it is obligated to obtain the express consent of the user about all the web pages that use expendable cookies, before he goes through them.
The cookies and other similar technologies such as local shared objects, flash cookies or pixels, are tools used by the Web servers to store and recover information about its visitants, as to offer a correct functioning of the site.
Through the use of these devices it is allowed to the Web server to remember some concerning data, as its preferences for the visualization of the page of that server, name and password, the most interesting products for you, etc.
According to the UE directive, the cookies that require the consent informed by the user are the analytic, publicity and affiliation, being excepted the ones of technical nature and the needed for the performance of the website or the provision of expressly requested services by the user.
TECHNICAL AND FUNCTIONAL COOKIES: are those which allows the user the navigation through a website, platform or app and the utilization of the different options and services that exists in it.
Analytic cookies: are those that allows to the responsible of the same the monitoring and analysis of the behavior of the users of the websites where those are linked. The information recollected through this type of cookies is used in the measuring of the activity of the websites, applications or platforms and for the elaboration of navigation profiles of the users of such sites, applications and platforms, with the purpose of introducing improvements in function of the analysis of the data of use that the users make from the service.
Publicity cookies: are those that allows the management, in the most possible effective way, of the publicity spaces that, in its case, the editor had included in a website, application or platform from where he lends the requested service in base of criteria as the edited content or the frequency in which the ads are showed.
Behavioral advertising cookies: they recollect information about the preferences and personal elections of the user (retargeting) to allow the management, in the most possible effective way, of the publicity spaces that, in its case, the editor had included in a website, application or platform from where it lends the requested service.
Social cookies:are established by the platforms of social networks in the services to allow him to share content with its friends and social networks. The platforms of social media have the capacity to follow the trail of its activity on line outside of the Services. This might affect the content and the messages that you see in other services that you visit.
Affiliate cookies:they allow keeping a track of the visits coming from other webs, with which the website establish an affiliation contract (affiliate companies)
Security cookies: they store encrypted information to avoid making vulnerable the saved data to malicious attacks from third parties.
Own cookies: are those that are sent to the terminal team of the user from a device o domain managed by the own editor and from where it is lend the service requested by the user.
Third party cookies: are those which are sent to the terminal team of the user from a device or domain which is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that treats the obtained data through the cookies.
Session cookies: are a kind of cookies designed to collect and store data meanwhile the user access to a web page.
Persistent cookies: are a kind of cookies in which the data that still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and treated during a period defined by the responsible of the cookie, and that can go to some minutes to some years.
SILLAS JUALMI, S.L. is the Responsible of the treatment of the personal data ot fhe Interested and he informs you that this data will be treaties of conformity with the provisions of the Regulation (UE) 2016/679, of the 27 of April of 2016 (GDPR), hence it is facilitated the following information of the treatment:
Purposes of treatment: as specified in the section of cookies that are used in the website.
Treatment legitimation: by consent of the third party interested (art. 6.1 GDPR).
Data retention criteria: as it is specified in the section of cookies used in the web.
Data communication: The data will not be communicated to third parties, except in third parties cookies property or by legal obligation.
Rights that assist the Interested Party:
- Right to remove the consent at any moment.
- Right of access, rectification, portability and suppression of its data and limitation or opposition to its treatment.
- Right to present a reclamation to the Control authority ( if it is considered that the treatment does not fit to the current regulations.
SILLAS JUALMI, S.L.. Camino Aielo, s/n, – 46850 L’Olleria (Valencia). Email: